
I started this blog because one of my friends asked me to. I guess it was an easy way for people to stay in touch, and to be a suport through this journey called cancer. I have found though, that people are taking away different things from this blog and now, I see it more as an opportunity to share thoughts of life, and to reach out to others, and not just cancer patients and survivors.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I have an addendum to the post I made yesterday on discrimination-dressed-as-sympathy. I feel, now that I have some distance, that people truly feel they are being kind when they refer to my 'condition'. I don't think they feel they are being discriminatory.

But they also need to realise that behaviours and attitudes that they show are only the tip of the iceberg and most of the time, reflect deep-seated attitudes. Taken to an extreme, these are the roots of such contradictory terms as 'ethnic cleansing'.

My intention, by blogging about it, is to highlight this to people, so that they are aware of the damage their attitudes, especially if it is one of the masses, can wreak. If you are surprised that this cancer survivor does not want sympathy but a chance to rejoin life, then perhaps you need to dig deeper into yourself and speak more truly about why you are surprised that I do not want my 'condition' to control me, or my future.


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